Conference Information
The Minisymposium "Smart and Active Assemblies for Catalysis" will take place from 23–24 September 2013 in Leipzig, Germany. It comprises the topics homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis and environmental catalysis.
Invited Speakers
- Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Caminade (Toulouse, France)
- Dr. Robert N. Grass (Zurich, Switzerland)
- Prof. Dr. Harald Horn (Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Petra de Jongh (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
- Prof. Dr. Andrey Karasik (Kazan, Russia)
- Prof. Dr. Gregory Lowry (Pittsburgh, USA)
- Dr. Katrin Mackenzie (Leipzig, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Vera Meynen (Antwerp, Belgium)
- Prof. Dr. Russell Morris (St Andrews, UK)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler (Bochum, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Regina Palkovits (Aachen, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Schröder (Nottingham, UK)
- Dr. Adrian M. T. Silva (Porto, Portugal)
- Dr. Jennifer Strunk (Bochum, Germany)
- Ass. Prof. Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Prof. Dr. Dieter Vogt (Edinburgh, UK)
- Prof. Dr. Paul Wright (St Andrews, UK)
Organising Committee
- Prof. Dr. Evamarie Hey-Hawkins (Leipzig, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Roger Gläser (Leipzig, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Frank-Dieter Kopinke (Leipzig, Germany)