The Minisymposium "Smart and Active Assemblies for Catalysis" especially wants to give young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) the opportunity to present their scientific work. Besides a poster session, 4 short talks by young scientists are planned.
The best short talk and the best poster will be awarded prizes.
Short talks
If you want to present a short talk, please register via the registration page and submit your abstract by 20 August 2013 to Please use the abstract template (.doc) for submission.
After this deadline, 4 of the submitted abstracts will be selected for oral presentation.
The time for a short talk is 16 minutes plus 4 minutes discussion.
If you want to present a poster, please register via the registration page and submit your abstract by 20 August 2013 to Please use the abstract template (.doc) for submission.
Posters should fit in DIN A0, portrait format (width: 85 cm, height: 120 cm).