Registration is open for the module T4

Past Scientific Modules


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2024 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2024-T4From Molecules to Materials: Solid State Quantum Systems19–22 June 2024Completed
2024-A3Transparent Conductive Oxides – Fundamentals and Applications (Symposium)24–25 Sept. 2024Completed
2024-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer30 Sept.–2 Oct.Completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2023 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2023-B1Basic Concepts in Chemistrytba**postponed**
2023-B4Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy19 – 20 Oct.completed
2023-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer 4 – 6 Oct.completed
2023-A3Quantum Coherent Structures: Quantencomputing28 – 29 Sept.completed
IOM/externTailoring Polymer Membrane Surfaces for Water Treatment Applications6 – 7 Februarycompleted


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2022 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2022-T3Complex Nanostructures: Halide-based Semiconductors and Device Perspectives28 – 30 Sept.completed
2022-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer 28 – 30 Sept.completed
2022-A1.2Active Assemblies (Symposium)21 – 23 Sept.completed
2022-T4From Molecules to Materials: Solid State Quantum Systems15 – 16 Sept.completed
2022-T5From Biomolecules to Cells: Manipulation, Understanding and Application of Microbial Consortia16 – 17 Junecompleted
2022-A1.1Active Assemblies: Cutting-edge homogeneous catalysis (Symposium)29 – 31 Marchcompleted
MDKL/externKurs des Mitteldeutschen Katalyse-Lehrverbunds31 Jan. – 4 Feb.completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2021 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2021-B4Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy4 – 5 Nov.Completed
2021-T3Complex Nanostructures: Halide-based Functional Materials30 Sep. – 1 Oct.Completed
2021-A1Active Assemblies (Symposium)22 – 24 Sep.**postponed**
2021-T7Deep Learning/Machine Learning16 – 17 Sep.Completed
2021-T4From Molecules to Materials: Photocatalysis9 Sep.Completed
2021-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer30 Aug. – 1 Sep.Completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2020 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2020-A1Active Assemblies (Minisymposium)30 Sep.–02 Oct. 2020**Postponed**
2020-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer (Symposium)22–24 Sep. 2020Completed
2020-A3Quantum Coherent Structures: Non–Hermitian Systems - ONLINE LECTURE 30 Sep. 2020 Completed
2020-B4Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy - ONLINE LECTURE21–22 Sep. 2020Completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2019 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2019-B2Basic Concepts in Biochemistry – Protein Chemistry for non-Biochemists21/23 October, 4/6 November 2019**Cancelled**
2019-B6Chemometrics Applied to Spectroscopic Data15–16 October 2019Completed
2019-T4From Molecules to Materials – Quantum Mechanics at Work: Quantum Systems for Applications10–11 October 2019Completed
2019-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer25–27 September 2019 Completed
2019-A3Symposium: Transparent Conductive Oxides – Fundamentals and Applications23–27 September 2019 (two days, 24/25) Completed
2019-T1Smart Molecules – Light-Controlled Chemistry of Metal Complexes19–20 September 2019Completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2018 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2018-T3Complex Nanostructures25–26 September 2018completed
2018-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer24–26 September 2018completed
2018-T1Smart Molecules20–21 September 2018completed
2018-B4Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy2–3 May 2018completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2017 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2017-T4From Molecules to Materials: Photocatalysis14–15 November 2017completed
2017-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer4–6 October 2017completed
2017-A3Minisymposium: Transparent Conductive Oxides – Fundamentals and Applications18–22 September 2017 (two days)completed
2017-T3 Complex Nanostructures – Topological Matter and Flat Bands18–20 August 2017completed
2017-B4Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy16–17 March 2017completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2016 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2016-A1Smart and Active Assemblies - Advanced Fluorescence Techniques23–24 November 2016completed
2016-A2 Minisymposium: Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer4–6 October 2016completed
2016-T6Hybrid Systems – Metamaterials 29–30 September 2016 completed
2016-T4From Molecules to Materials – Artificial molecules and solid state crystals19–20 September 2016completed
2016-T5From Biomolecules to Cells 19–20 July 2016completed
2016-B4Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy 16–17 June 2016completed
2016-B5Basics in Electrochemistry21–22 March 2016completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2015 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2015-A1Smart and Active Assemblies3–4 December 2015completed
2015-A3Minisymposium: Quantum Coherent Structures30 September– 1 October 2015completed
2015-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer7–9 September 2015 completed
2015-B4Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy16–17 June 2015completed
2015-T2Multifunctional Scaffols11–12 June 2015completed
2015-T3Complex Nanostructures 27–29 May 2015completed
2015-B1Basic Concepts in Chemistry30–31 March 2015completed
2015-B2Basic Concepts in Biochemistry9–10 March 2015completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2014 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2014-A3Quantum Coherent Structures6–7 October 2014completed
2014-A2Minisymposium: Physics of Cancer2–5 October 2014 completed
2014-T4From Molecules to Materials29 September–2 October 2014 (two days)completed
2014-T1Smart Molecules: Building on the Nanoscale with Nucleic Acids 1–2 September 2014completed
2014-B4Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy21–22 July 2014completed
2014-T6Hybrid Systems: Functional Biomolecules at (Solid) Materials Interfaces22–23 May 2014completed
2014-B3Basic Concepts in Physics7/14/15 May 2014 completed
2014-B1Basic Concepts in Chemistry27–28 March 2014completed
2014-B2Basic Concepts in Biochemistry17–18 March 2014completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2013 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2013-T5From Biomolecules to Cells10–11 October 2013completed
2013-A3Quantum Coherent Structures: Quantum Structures for Energy Applications30 September– 01 October 2013completed
2013-A1Minisymposium: Smart and Active Assemblies23–24 September 2013completed
2013-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer: Novel Developments of Anticancer Therapeutics17–18 September 2013completed
2013-T2Multifunctional Scaffolds: Modeling and Simulating Macromolecules20–21 June 2013completed
2013-T3Complex Nanostructures: Hot Nanoparticles28–30 May 2013completed
2013-T7Transport and Entropy Production in Soft Matter6 May–24 June 2013completed
2013-B4Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy18–19 April 2013completed
2013-B2Basic Concepts in Biochemistry25–26 March 2013completed
2013-B1Basic Concepts in Chemistry21–22 March 2013completed
2013-B3Basic Concepts in Physics12/14 February 2013completed

Other modules:

Module NameDateStatus
Summer School EPR Spectroscopy15–18 July 2013completed
Summer School Molecular Modeling10–12 July 2013completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2012 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2012-A2Chemical Biology and Biophysics of Cancer13-14 November 2012completed
2012-A1Smart and Active Assemblies18-19 October 2012completed
2012-A3Minisymposium: Quantum Coherent Structures4-5 October 2012completed
2012-T2Multifunctional Scaffolds27-28 September 2012completed
2012-T3Complex Nanostructures9-10 July 2012completed
2012-T4From Molecules to Materials5-6 July 2012completed
2012-T1Smart Molecules28-29 June 2012completed
2012-T6Hybrid Systems26-27 June 2012completed
2012-B1Basic Concepts in Chemistry22-23 March 2012completed
2012-B2Basic Concepts in Biochemistry7-8 March 2012completed
2012-B3Basic Concepts in Physics13/14/21 February 2012completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2011 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2010-M09Hybrid systems10-11  November 2011completed
2011-M07Complex nanostructures: Catalysis with nanoparticles24-25 October 2011completed
2011-M05Smart molecules: Ionic liquids12-13 October 2011completed
MinisymposiumHot nanoparticles and nanostructures10-11 October 2011completed
2011-M10Multifunctional scaffolds: From model systems to living cells29-30 September 2011completed
2011-M03Theory: Foams and other cellular materials22-23 September 2011completed
2011-M02From molecules to materials: Inclusion in molecular crystals15-16 September 2011completed
2011-M06Magnetic resonance6-7 September 2011completed
2011-M08Synthesis7-8 July 2011completed
2011-M04From biomolecules to cells: Monitoring and imaging of molecule alterations in cellular pathologies13-14 April 2011completed
2011-M01Nanomanipulations: From self-propelled particles to molecular motors11-12 April 2011completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2010 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2010-M03Theory10-11 November 2010completed
2010-M02From molecules to materials: magnetic nanoparticles28-29 October 2010completed
MinisymposiumPhysics of Cancer25-26 October 2010completed
2010-M08Synthesis6-7 October 2010completed
2010-M01Nanomanipulations: spectroscopy on the nanometric scale30 September - 1 October 2010completed
2010-M06Magnetic resonance12/14/15 September 2010completed
2010-M04From biomolecules to cells12-13 July 2010completed
2010-M05Smart molecules6-7 May 2010completed
2010-M10Multifunctional scaffolds30-31 March 2010completed
2010-M07Complex nanostructures15-16 March 2010completed
2009-M09Hybrid systems: (bio)hybrid systems2-3 February 2010completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2009 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2009-M05Smart molecules25-26 November 2009completed
2009-M04From biomolecules to cells12-13 November 2009completed
2009-M08Synthesis29-30 October 2009completed
2009-M07Nanoparticles and Catalysis17-18 September 2009completed
2009-M06Magnetic resonance8-9 September 2009completed
2009-M10Multifunctional scaffolds9-10 July 2009completed
2009-M03Theory30 June - 1 July 2009completed
2009-M02From molecules to materials3-4 June 2009completed
2009-M01Nanomanipulations28-29 May 2009completed
2008-M09Hybrid systems11-12 February 2009completed


List of BuildMoNa Scientific and Methods Modules in 2008 (inverse chronological order). Click on the Module Code to get more information on a Module.

Module CodeModule NameDateStatus
2008-M08Synthesis9-10 October 2008completed
2008-M07Complex nanostructures - Transport in Heterostructures1 and 7 October 2008completed
2008-M10Multifunctional scaffolds23-24 September 2008completed
2008-M06Magnetic resonance2-3 September 2008completed
2008-M05Smart molecules23-24 June 2008completed
2008-M04From biomolecules to cells12-13 June 2008completed
2008-M03Theory30 March - 4 April 2008completed
2008-M02From molecules to materials27-28 March 2008completed
2008-M01Nanomanipulations13-14 March 2008completed

last update: 14 February 2025, A. Hildebrand