Past Transferable Skills
List of BuildMoNa Transferable Skills courses in the past years (inverse chronological order). Click on the title to get more information on a course.
Title | Date | Organizer | Status |
2022-S2 How to get published: A guide to successful scientific publishing | part I: 11 July part II: 14 July 2022 | BuildMoNa/IOM Prof. Anders | completed |
IOM-module: Tailoring polymer membrane surfaces for water | 20 / 21 June 2022 | BuildMoNa/IOM Dr. Schulze | **postponed** |
2022-S1 Presentation Workshop in combination with the 14th Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 9/10/17 March 2022 | BuildMoNa / Dr. F. Lorenz, Rhetoric Excellence | completed |
2021-S1 Presentation Workshop in combination with the 13th Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 4/5/11 March 2021 | BuildMoNa / Dr. F. Lorenz, Rhetoric Excellence | completed |
2020-S2 How to get published: A guide to successful scientific publishing | part I: 02 Oct. part II: 20 Oct. 2020 | BuildMoNa/IOM Prof. Anders | completed |
2020-S1 Presentation Workshop in combination with the Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 16 March and 26 March 2020 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Frank Lorenz | cancelled |
2019-S1 Presentation Workshop in combination with the Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 14 March and 21 March 2019 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Frank Lorenz | completed |
Presentation Workshop in combination with the Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 9 March and 22 March 2018 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Frank Lorenz | completed |
Presentation Workshop in combination with the Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 2 March and 9 March 2017 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Frank Lorenz | completed |
Presentation Workshop in combination with the Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 3 March and 17 March 2016 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Frank Lorenz | completed |
Presentation Workshop in combination with the Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 12 March and 26 March 2015 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Frank Lorenz | completed |
Doctorate and then what?! Workshop on career planning for doctoral candidates in the sciences | 5–6 June 2014 | Research Academy/ BuildNoNa/ uni-support | completed |
Grant proposal writing | 19–20 May 2014 | Research Academy/ BuildNoNa/ RaumZeit | completed |
Presentation Workshop in combination with the Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 27 February and 6 March 2014 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Frank Lorenz | completed |
Career planning for PhD students: Application standards – personal strategies | 25–26 November 2013 | Research Academy/ BuildMoNa/Golin | completed |
The doctoral degree as a project: managing complex research projects | 3–4 June 2013 | Research Academy/ BuildMoNa/ uni-support | completed |
C++-Programmierung | 14–16 May 2013 | BuildMoNa/ PD Dr. Rainer Pickenhain | completed |
Presentation Workshop in combination with the Annual BuildMoNa Conference | 26 February and 7 March 2013 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Frank Lorenz | completed |
Scientific writing – Part II | 1-2 October 2012 | BuildMoNa/ Sommerfeldt | completed |
Work-organisation and time management | 19 September 2012 | BuildMoNa/ uni-support | completed |
Presentation Workshop in combination with the BuildMoNa doctoral candidates' workshop | 17+27 September 2012 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Frank Lorenz | completed |
Career planning | 5-6 June 2012 | BuildMoNa/ uni-support | completed |
Scientific writing – Part I | 26-27 April 2012 | BuildMoNa/ Sommerfeldt | completed |
Presenting your strength convincingly: Effective strategies for applying for academic jobs | 23-24 April 2012 | BuildMoNa/ uni-support | completed |
Speaking with confidence | 9-10 January 2012 | BuildMoNa/ Millie Baker | completed |
Advanced presentation skills (in preparation for the BuildMoNa-workshop for doctoral candidates | 19/26/28 September 2011 | BuildMoNa | completed |
Mastering the selection process: Developing job application strategies for business and industry | 18-19 August 2011 | BuildMoNa/ uni-support | competed |
Scientific writing and publishing research I | 4-5 July 2011 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Sommerfeldt | completed |
Conflict management for doctoral candidates: From a clash to a culture of conflict | 25 February 2011 | BuildMoNa/ GOLIN | completed |
Scientific writing and publishing research II | 3-4 February 2011 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Sommerfeldt | completed |
Conversation & networking: Reaching your goal through successful communication | 30 June 2010 | BuildMoNa/ GOLIN | completed |
Project management for young scientists: Taking off as project pilot | 29 June 2010 | BuildMoNa/ GOLIN | completed |
Scientific writing and publishing research I | 17-18 June 2010 | BuildMoNa/ Dr. Sommerfeldt | completed |
Academic instruction for junior university teachers: Against boring teaching! | 2-3 June 2010 | BuildMoNa/ GOLIN | completed |
Scientific Writing and Publishing Research Part I | February 2010 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Präsentationstechniken | 26-27 January 2010 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Frauen und Karriere | January 2010 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Boston Consulting Group | January 2010 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Projektmanagment | 7-9 January 2010 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Mindmapping | December 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Erfolgreiches Zeit- und Stressmanagement | December 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Schreibwerkstatt für Doktoranden | 25-27 November 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Introductory Workshop on Intercultural Communication | 24-25 November 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Advanced LaTeX course | 16-20 November 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Career planning for PhD students: Application standards - personal strategies | 5 November 2009 | BuildMoNa/ GOLIN | Completed |
Datenverwaltung und -auswertung mit ACCESS 2007 | 3-6 and 10-13 November 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Literaturverwaltung Citavi | October 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Erstellung webbasierter Datenbanken mit FileMaker | 28 October 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Academic Writing | 22 October 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
LaTeX Einsteigerkurs | 19-23 October 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Erstellung von Webauftritten (Grundlagen, HTML, PHP) | 19 and 26 October 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Datenauswertung und -darstellung mit Excel 2007 | 16, 23 and 30 October 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Linux und Open Source Software | 12 October 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Advanced presentation skills (in preparation for the BuildMoNa Workshop for doctoral candidates) | 5 October 2009 | BuildMoNa | Completed |
Team work & leadership competencies in Academia an beyond: Youngster – team player – key player | 1 October 2009 | BuildMoNa/ GOLIN | Completed |
Einführung in TYPO3 | 28 September, 5 October 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
SPSS für Windows | 15-17 September 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Erfolgreich Präsentieren | 15-16 September 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Networking for Academics: Creating perspectives through contacts | 23 July 2009 | BuildMoNa/ GOLIN | Completed |
Conflict Management for Doctoral Candidates: From a clash to a culture of conflict | 29 June 2009 | BuildMoNa/ GOLIN | Completed |
Computergestützte Rationalisierung der Laborarbeit – Programmierung für Experimentatoren | 22, 23, 29, 30 June 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Schleyer Seminar Junge Wissenschaft und Praxis zum Thema "Was ist Wahr? – Über Objektivität und Relativität wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis" | 19-20 June 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Patentworkshop für Naturwissenschaftler | 6 May 2009 | Nachwuchsgruppe "Weiße Biotechnologie" | Completed |
Writing and publishing research II | 12-13 March 2009 | BuildMoNa | Completed |
Blockseminar: Präsentationstechniken für Wissenschaftler | 4+18 March 2009 | Research Academy Leipzig/SMILE | Completed |
Scientific writing and publishing research II | 4-5 December 2008 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Intercultural Training | 26 November 2008 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Career planning for PhD students: Application standards – personal strategies | 7 November 2008 | GOLIN | Completed |
Advanced presentation skills | 14/17 October 2008 | Prof. Dr. Roger Gläser/BuildMoNa | Completed |
Erfolgreich Präsentieren | 22-23 September 2008 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |
Scientific writing and publishing research I | 18-19 September 2008 | Research Academy Leipzig/BuildMoNa | Completed |
Team work & leadership competencies in academia and beyond: Youngster – team player – key player | 12 September 2008 | GOLIN Wissenschafts-Management | Completed |
Fundraising for young scientists: How to open doors and avoid pitfalls in research funding | 4 July 2008 | GOLIN Wissenschafts-Management | Completed |
Schleyer-Nixdorf Seminar: "Junge Wissenschaft und Praxis" | 20-21 June 2008 | Research Academy Leipzig | Completed |